Calling All Voices: Building a Vibrant Downtown Rowlett Together

Apr 16, 2024

The Downtown Rowlett Strategic Plan is charting a course for a vibrant future, and you're key in shaping it. But what's this plan about, and why should you care?

Simply put, it's a roadmap for downtown's future. It covers growth, development, character, and function. Think of it as pointing us in the direction our community wants to go.

Downtown Rowlett isn't just a business area; it's a dynamic 300 acre district. From the downtown DART station to Herfurth Park and residential areas, it's our canvas for the future. Your input is crucial for its positive evolution.

Your Role Matters

Whether you're a resident, business owner, or visitor, your perspective is invaluable. Your input will shape a downtown that thrives and stands out in the region.

We invite you to be part of the conversation and share your thoughts. Attend the Public Open House on Monday, April 22, 2024, from 5:30 to 7:30 PM at the Rowlett Community Centre (5300 Main Street). Your participation is crucial in shaping the future of Downtown Rowlett. Learn more at